
Webinar: Optimizing your staff for successful campus dining

Posted by Kelvin B.   from Instawork

112 days ago

Feeding thousands of students every day takes a huge amount of planning, organization, and effort – and much of it has to do with staffing. Whether your institution handles its own food service and catering or contracts them out, this webinar will offer valuable tips for making your facilities and events shine.

This webinar will host a panel of university dining experts for an informative and educational discussion. Among other topics, you'll learn:

  • Best practices for the annual hiring cycle and for weekly scheduling
  • The best way to combine permanent employees, student workers, and temporary workers
  • When seasonal peaks in demand occur and how the staffing mix should change
  • How should a facility flex its staff for a special event
  • Long-term changes in the labor market that are affecting university dining
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